The first chapter of the current season is called “Drink the Heart-Shaped Heart”. The Heart-Shaped Herb is a plant native to Wakanda that was traditionally consumed by those who held the mantle of the Black Panther in order to obtain enhanced physical abilities. That is why the name of Chapter 1 is the best one to introduce Wakanda and [card]blackpanther[/card] in Marvel Snap. It includes 7 weekly missions. The reward will be 2500 Season Battle Pass points. Let us investigate all of these missions.
The first mission is to play 10 4-cost cards. There are no Wakanda characters in Marvel Snap that cost 4 Mana. Maybe it is an allusion to [card]wong[/card] . After playing him your Black Panther will be summoned at least with 16 Power. The difficulty of this mission is easy. You should just play at least one 4-drop in your deck. The reward of this quest will be 900 Season Battle Pass points.
The second mission is to win a match with 40+ total Power. It is a much more difficult mission because you have to win the match and your total power in it should be at least 40. This quest is good to be a part of Warriors of Wakanda Season because of the main theme of it and of Black Panther in particular. You can win the location with combination [card]wong[/card] + [card]blackpanther[/card] + [card]odin[/card] . The total Power will be 70+. But if your opponent plays [card]cosmo[/card] you will not be able to play this combo. [card]ironman[/card] and [card]devildinosaur[/card] are pretty good cards to complete the second mission too.
The third quest is to win a location with 20 or More Power. This quest is very easy. You can even try to win in one of the locations and ignore two others. It can be combined with the second task. Black Panther with Odin is the best combo to complete it. Also you can just play cards in one location even if your opponent plays cards in two other ones. This task will give you 1000 Season Battle Pass Points and will guarantee you +1 level up of it.
The fourth quest is to make your opponent retreat. It is a hard quest because you do not know when and in what situations it will be completed. The first way to complete this task is to Snap on the first turn. Sometimes opponents retreat after this move. But in 95 percent of matches they will Snap and you will hear the legendary phrase “Opponent snaps”. The second way to complete this task is to have a clear advantage in the match before turn 6. If you snap earlier your opponent will retreat to save his cubes. The last way to complete this task is to get a bad location for your opponent. The reward will be 1100 Season Battle Pass Points.
The fifth quest is to play 100 Power’s worth of cards. It is a very easy task. You should just play games with your favorite deck and after 5-6 matches you will complete it. Even if you play on a fun deck the count of total power will be increased after every match. You will get 1100 Season Battle Pass Points after completing this easy task. We do not have any ideas why it has so much value.
The sixth quest is to complete 7 Hard Daily missions. It is a unique task. As usual you will not complete it during one day. 2 missions are refilling every 8 hours. One of them is a Hard mission. So during the day you can get 3 Hard missions. Also you can refill 2 missions. It costs 120 Gold. But it is a very bad idea. You should spend Gold in the Shop by buying variants of cards.So to complete this quest you should just play the game for 3 days and complete daily missions. The reward will be 1100 Season Battle Pass Points.
The seventh mission will be to win 15 matches. The reward will be 800 Season Battle Pass Points. It is an example of missions that will be completed during your climbing ladder. You have to win games if you want to get Infinite level of Ranked mode. So to complete this mission you should just play in a good deck and win matches. The information about the current meta you can get here.
Conclusion: after completing all 7 missions you will get 2500 Season Battle Pass Points reward + 7000 Season Battle Pass Points from all missions. It will guarantee you 9 level ups of it. Most of the missions will be completed by itselves during your games. But some of them are hard and you should play some cards of decks to complete them. Also to complete some quests you should even lose your games. For example to win a Location with one card or with some big amount of power. But all of those missions are only a part of game activity. You are playing games, getting rewards from each level of ranked, getting boosters during the games, getting Credits from daily missions, increasing your Collection Level. All of those processes will take part in getting rewards from Season Battle Pass.